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Англо-русский юридический словарь - arrears


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просрочка; задолженность; долги; недоимка

arrears of interest

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  noun pl.  1) задолженность, недоимка, долги - arrears of rent - arrears of wages  2) отставание arrears of work - недоделанная работа arrears of housing - отставание в жилищном строительстве to be in arrears -  а) иметь задолженность;  б) отставать в чем-л. ARREARS of rent задолженность по квартплате ARREARS of wages задолженность по зарплате ...
Англо-русский словарь
  сущ.; мн. ч. проценты - arrears of dividends - arrears of interest - arrears of rent - be in arrears - payable in arrears Syn: indebtedness, advance, liabilities, indebtedness outstandings Ant: in advance ARREARS pl просрочка; задолженность ARREARS сущ. 1) банк., фин., учет долги, задолженность (сумма, неуплаченная вовремя) arrears of interest, interest arrears — просроченные проценты, задолженность по процентам He was suing the lessee for the arrears of rent. — Он судился с арендатором по поводу задолженной арендной платы. If you continue to be in arrears we will send you a written warning. — Если вы так и не погасите задолженность, мы вышлем вам письменное предупреждение. Several of your clients are in arrears on their payments. — Некоторые из ваших клиентов имеют задолженность по платежам. Payments are in arrears by over 24 months. — Платежи задержаны более чем на 24 месяца. Syn: arrearage See: antecedent debt, "in arrears 2) общ. отставание; недоделки arrears of work — недоделки в работе ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  n.pl. an amount still outstanding or uncompleted, esp. work undone or a debt unpaid. Phrases and idioms in arrears (or arrear) behindhand, esp. in payment. Derivatives arrearage n. Etymology: ME (orig. as adv.) f. OF arere f. med.L adretro (as AD-, retro backwards): first used in phr. in arrear ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. Arrears are amounts of money that you owe, especially regular payments that you should have made earlier. They have promised to pay the arrears over the next five years... N-PLURAL 2. If someone is in arrears with their payments, or has got into arrears, they have not paid the regular amounts of money that they should have paid. ...the 300,000 households who are more than six months in arrears with their mortgages. PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v, oft amount PHR, PHR with/on n 3. If sums of money such as wages or taxes are paid in arrears, they are paid at the end of the period of time to which they relate, for example after a job has been done and the wages have been earned. Unemployment benefit is paid fortnightly in arrears. PHRASE: PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural 1 be in arrears if someone is in arrears or if their payments are in arrears, they are late in paying something that they should pay regularly, such as rent  (Teachers' pay is in arrears and the school says it can't afford to pay. | be four weeks/three months etc in arrears)  (The rent money is two months in arrears. | fall into arrears (=become late with payments)) 2 money that you owe someone because regular payments such as rent have not been paid at the right time  (We've got 3 months arrears to pay on the video.) 3 be paid in arrears to be given your wages at the end of the period you have worked  (a salary paid monthly in arrears) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1300, from O.Fr. ariere "behind, backward," from V.L. *ad retro, from L. ad "to" + retro "behind." Meaning "balance due" dates from 1432; phrase in arrears first recorded 1620. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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